Share my images with members

  • Updated

This article will help you upload images, embed images in text and attaching images for members to download. 

Note: If you upload images to posts via the Patreon app, read this article: How do I post in the mobile app as a creator?

Uploading images to your Image posts

You can upload image files directly from your device to Patreon. Your images will show up as the main part of your post. 

To upload an image:

  1. While logged into your Patreon account, click on the Create button from the left-hand side of your creator menu. If you also offer digital products, click the Post option
  2. Select the Image post option
  3. Click the Select image button and select the file(s) you want to upload
    • You can upload up to 500 images per post
  4. Click the Next button to select additional post settings
  5. On desktop, you can preview your post before publishing or scheduling your post by clicking the View icon.png button

What image file types can I upload to a post?

We currently support .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .gif file types. Your upload file sizes must be 5 GB or less per image, and file attachments must be 5 GB or less.

You can learn more about creating Image gallery posts by reading this article: Create image galleries in posts.

Uploading an image from a URL to your post

You can upload image links as the main part of your post. Images will not automatically populate as a link for members to download – if you’d like your members to be able to download an image, be sure to add your image file(s) as an attachment. 

  1. While logged into your Patreon account, click on the Create button from the left-hand side of your creator menu. If you also offer digital products, click the Post option
  2. Select the Image post option
  3. Click on the Embed image URL button
  4. Enter your image URL, and click the Embed button
    • You can embed up to 500 images per post
  5. Click the Next button to select additional post settings
  6. On desktop, you can preview your post before publishing or scheduling your post by clicking the View icon.png button

Learn more about embedding Image galleries with the following article: Create image galleries in posts.

Note: We use for all embedded images. You can test your URL on this page to ensure that your image will post. Add your URL and click the arrow link to the right. If you encounter an error in the “type” field, your image URL will not post properly, and you’ll want to make sure you have the correct link.


Using Flickr? If you’re encountering the message “Invalid Media” you can grab your URL and enter it in the field on the page. Scroll down to where you’ll find “URL” and copy the longer URL. Add this to the link field of your Post.


If you’re using Tumblr as your image hosting site, you’ll want to grab your image URL by right-clicking the image and selecting “Copy Image Address”. Add this URL to the field of your post.


Sharing images from Instagram? Make sure your account is not marked as private. Images on private accounts aren’t shareable in Posts as they are meant only for your approved Instagram followers.

Adding images to your text body

Inline images or images that you add within a text body can be added to any Post type. They’re a great way to spice up a lengthy text Post or add context to a story you’re telling. To add an inline image to a Post select the small camera icon to the left of the text portion of your Post.

You’ll find the option to upload an image directly from your device or upload an image using a URL. You can upload up to 500 images per post.

On desktop, you can preview your post before publishing or scheduling your post by clicking the View icon.png button.

Attaching images to any Post

You can attach image files to any Post type. Whether you’re posting an Audio, Video or Image Post, you can include an attachment of an Image for members to download. This image will not populate in the body of your post but will be an attachment link at the bottom of your post.

To attach your file, click the Upload button near the bottom of the post you’re creating or editing.

On desktop, you can preview your post before publishing or scheduling your post by clicking the View icon.pngbutton.

What image file types can I attach to a post?

You can attach .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .gif image file types up to 16 MB.

You’ll know that your file is attached when the upload arrow is gone, and you find your file name listed at the bottom of your Post creator/editor page. You can upload up to 500 images per post.

Deciding who gets to access your Posts

You can select Members Only if you’d like everyone who is a paid subscriber to check your post. This will include any members who have not selected a tier during the sign-up process.

Creators can also control exactly which members access your post. To select specific tiers, choose the option Select tier. You’ll find your tiers populating (all preselected), and can deselect any tiers you do not want to have access to. Only members who are in the selected tiers will have access to the content of the post.

Note: If you’ve indicated that you create Adult Content, your Posts will default to Members Only. If you did not indicate that you created Adult Content, your Posts will default to Public.

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