How to change my email or password

  • Updated
To follow the steps in this article, you need to be logged in. If you are having issues logging in, please check the Login Help article instead.


Change my email

If you’re logged into your Patreon account, you can update your email with these steps:

  1. While logged in, click on the account menu button (where your name is at the bottom left corner) and select your Patron profile
  2. Click on Settings from the left navigation menu
  3. In the Profile Information section, under the Basics tab, enter your new email address in the Email section
  4. Scroll down, and click the Save button. You will need to enter your password to complete your changes
  5. We’ll send you a verification email to the new address

You can use one email per Patreon account. If the email you’d like to use is linked to an existing account, you won’t receive a confirmation email, so please use a different email address.

If you don’t receive the confirmation email within 15 minutes and are sure the new email is not being used, please attempt the same steps using an incognito (private) browser.

If you’re still not receiving the confirmation emails, please refer to this article for further assistance: I’m not getting emails from Patreon

Change my password

If you’re already logged in and want to change your password, here’s how:

  1. While logged in, click on the account menu button (where your name is at the bottom left corner) and select your Patron profile
  2. Click on Settings from the left navigation menu
  3. Then click on the Account tab
  4. In the Login section, enter your old password and a new secure password, and confirm your new password a second time
  5. Click the Update password button

If you don’t remember your old password, you need to make sure you log out and use password reset to create a new password. If you don’t log out, it will continue to ask you for your old password.

Please use a strong password with symbols and numbers. Using a password generator and saver like 1Password is a great way to secure your passwords.

If you need further assistance resetting your password, please check the Login help article.

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