If the creator is a legally recognised not-for-profit company and you receive nothing of value in return for your payment to them, then some jurisdictions allow the patron to take a tax deduction.
Note: As a creator, if you provide patrons with something in return for their payment (T-shirt, download of music not available to non-patrons, concert tickets, backstage passes, etc) then the patron’s tax deduction is limited to the amount of their payment which exceeds the value they received.
Pledges to non-profits
What is a non-profit organisation?
Non-profit organisations are generally exempt from taxes. There are many different types of non-profits when it comes to eligibility and tax-deductible contributions.
If I pledge to this creator is my pledge tax-deductible?
Your contribution, minus the value of any thank-you gifts you receive, is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law.
For example, if the patron pays £100 of which £20 is the deemed value of a tote bag, then only the £80 is considered to be tax-deductible.
Will I receive a document for tax purposes via email and/or mail?
Every month you will receive an email receipt for your payments on Patreon. Non-profit creators may also send you information directly concerning the tax deductibility of your payment.
What if I have more tax questions?
If you have any additional questions, please visit our help centre article covering sales tax requirements at Patreon: Sales Tax on Patreon for Patrons
If you have more involved questions regarding taxes, please consult with your local tax professional.