Will I receive a 1099-K form?

  • Updated

You will only receive a Form 1099-K from Patreon if you are in the United States (or if you're a US citizen living abroad) and reach the following threshold for the 2023 calendar year and moving forward. 

As per IRS guidance released November 2023, applicable reporting thresholds for 2023 calendar year earnings will remain as follows:

All US States and territories $5k+ USD in a calendar year
Arkansas $2,500+ USD in a calendar year
Illinois $1,000+ USD in a calendar year
New Jersey
District of Columbia $600+ USD in a calendar year
Oregon Any earnings

If the above is not applicable, you will not receive a Form 1099-K from Patreon.

As per IRS guidance issued in March 2023 (FAQ FS-2023-06), the 2023 Form 1099-K (which Creators receive in early 2024) reports gross earnings before fees and refunds. As such, be sure to account for these expenses and any other expenses incurred during your year as a Creator on your tax return

It’s worth stressing that Patreon cannot provide tax advice, so please consult a tax professional. Be sure to report all income to the relevant tax authorities, regardless of whether you receive a Form 1099-K.

If you have multiple accounts on Patreon that use the same tax TIN (SSN or EIN), each account will receive its own form. To find your 1099-K, you need to log into each of your Patreon accounts for your statement(s). If you cannot locate it, send us a note by clicking the Email Patreon Support button below. It’s possible that we were unable to link multiple accounts owned by the same person and thus may not be aware of a threshold being met. Have no fear! We can always generate a form (or other proof of income if necessary).

While we proactively reach out to payments processors to prevent double reporting, some creators may receive a 1099-K from elsewhere that includes the payouts they have received from Patreon. Make sure that you do not double report this income, and also give us a shout! Also, as always, please consult with a tax professional for specific tax advice.

Where can I access my 1099-K form?

You can access your 1099-K by visiting your Payouts Documents tab.

Will I get a 1099-K if I have multiple Patreon pages?

Patreon will provide one 1099-K per page, not per taxable identity. For example, if you have two pages with the same tax information on your W-9 and one of your pages met the earnings threshold, we'll generate a 1099-K for that page and report the earnings from that page. We will not generate a 1099-K or include the page's earnings that did not reach the threshold. 

I unlaunched my creator page, how do I access my digital 1099-K form?

If you've reached the earnings thresholds for a 1099-K, but have unlaunched your creator page, you can access your form with the steps below: 

  1. Log in to your Patreon account
  2. Click on the option to finish your page from the menu – don't worry, clicking this won't relaunch your page; it will only take you to the creator page editor
  3. Once you are on that page, replace the browser URL with the following link: https://www.patreon.com/payouts/documents 
  4. In the Income tax section, click the Download button for the year you'd like to download your 1099-K for

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