Preview Text gives fans an enticing sneak peek of member-only content. Your 10 most recent posts will have Preview Text that defaults to the first 140 characters of the text portion of your post. If you only have a title and no text post, there will be no Preview Text.
Customise the Preview Text for any of your posts with these steps:
- While logged in to your creator profile, click on the Create button from the left sidebar navigation
- You can add Preview Text to a New post or an already Published post
- If you are adding Preview Text to an existing post, locate the post and click on the Edit link
- Click into the text box to Add public preview text
- Type your Preview Text – up to 140 characters
- Select All members, Free members only, Paid members only or Selected tiers. You can read more about Managing access to your posts
- If you are creating a new post, we’ll autosave your edits, so you can leave it as a draft, publish it now or schedule it for a later date
- If you’re editing an existing post, you can publish your changes, click the button to save your changes or schedule it
Preview Text will appear as a description for locked posts on your creator page and if you share your post to social media apps.