If you're making changes to a published post and want to notify members with an updated version of the post, you can do so with a simple click of the mouse.
To turn on the post-edit notification:
- Click on your
Library from the left menu to be taken to the Posts tab by default
- Within the Posts tab, you can:
- Search for posts by name
- Sort by Title and/or Publish date
- Filter by post type, audience or tags – click the button to Apply your filter selections
- Click the
menu button in the top right corner of the drop. Then click on
Edit post to make changes
- Click Next in the bottom right corner of the screen
- Toggle on the Notify members that you edited this post option
- You can leave this option turned off if you don’t want to notify your members that you updated your post
- Click the Save button
Members who have email notifications for new posts enabled will receive an email with the updated post.