Everything you need to know about Blocking a member

  • Updated

Patreon should be a safe space for all creators to share their work, and for all members to celebrate these creations and build community with each other. If you notice a member constantly changing their membership, harassing you or your community, or spamming your posts or community chats, blocking will help.

What a blocked member CAN do What a blocked member CAN NOT do
  • See any existing Direct Message history between you and them
  • Join your Patreon
  • Direct Message you
  • Access any content on your page
  • Engage with your posts or in your community chats

How do I block a member?

You can block a member at any time. Here’s how:

Note: Patreon’s Community Guidelines act as the guardrails detailing the sorts of behaviours that are permitted and prohibited on Patreon. You can report a member who may not be following these guidelines by following these same steps and selecting the Report option.

As a creator, you can block paid or free members directly from your Relationship Manager on a desktop. Here’s how to do that:

  1. While logged in to your creator account, click on the Audience button from the left sidebar navigation
  2. You’ll land on your Relationship manager, where you can locate a specific member by searching for their Patreon username or email address
  3. Once you’ve located the member you’d like to block, click on the member’s name to expand additional actions in the member details section on the right side of the page
  4. Click on the More button and then select the Block user option

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What happens when you block a paid member?

As soon as an active member is blocked, they are immediately removed from your community and relationship manager and sent an email notification of removal. We send this email so that members know that they’ll no longer be able to access or receive benefits from your page. We also need to let paid members know that their membership has been cancelled and that they won’t be charged again.

What happens when you block a free or inactive paid member?

If the user is not an active member, they will be removed from your relationship manager but not sent an email notification.

Can people I block find out that I blocked them if they weren’t sent an email?

Yes, but only indirectly. If someone is trying to follow a link to something you’ve previously shared with them on Patreon or if they can’t see your posts, messages or comments, they will still be able to see the public information on your profile: your page or member name, profile picture and bio. If you have one, they will also still have access to your shared direct message history. From these pages, they will see a notification that says, “This person has blocked you.”

What happens if the person I blocked and I are both members of another creator’s community?

When you block someone on Patreon, the block applies everywhere. Blocked members will not be able to see your posts or engage with you or your community. They will also not be able to see your comments and messages in other communities.

Can a blocked member ever rejoin my community?

A blocked member or creator can’t become a member to you again unless you unblock them.

How do I unblock a user?

Unblock a user on iOS or Android:

  1. Tap on their profile photo or the error message to see the profile of the blocked member.
  2. From here, tap the “” menu to reveal the Unblock option
  3. Tap Unblock to remove the block from this person

If you want to see a full list of people you’ve blocked, you’ll need to use a web browser on desktop. From there, you can access your complete Blocked user list in two ways. Here’s how:

Unblock a user as a creator:

  1. Click on the Audience button from the left sidebar navigation
  2. Click on the Blocked users link from the menu bar to find a complete list of blocked members, along with the date you blocked them
  3. Locate the member and click the Unblock button by their name
  4. Confirm your decision to finalise the unblocking process

To unblock a member while logged in as a member:

  1. Click on the Settings button from the left sidebar navigation
  2. Click on the More option to the far right of the menu bar. Then click Blocked users to find a complete list of blocked members, along with the date you blocked them
  3. Locate the member and click the Unblock button by their name
  4. Confirm your decision to finalise the unblocking process

What happens when I block a creator whom I am a member of?

If you are blocking someone whom YOU are a member of, your membership to them will be removed, and any recurring payments will be cancelled. You will no longer be able to be contacted by them or see their creations or community messages anywhere on Patreon.

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