This article will address frequently asked questions about Autopilot. If you want a detailed guide on how Autopilot works, please visit Autopilot.
Yes, we plan to add more promotional features to Autopilot throughout the year.
Creators will only be able to access the Promotions page on the web experience.
For Free member upgrade offers, you will be able to choose which tiers you want to discount and whether you want to let us optimize the discount amount or choose your own.
For Paid Membership Teaser Campaign, you can select which posts are shared with free members.
Patreon will only send a free member upgrade offer to selected free members who will most likely convert.
Most tiers are eligible for discounts. We currently do not support tiers that have limited spaces.
Your changes will be made immediately to new offers. However, free members who have received a promotion with the previous discount amount can still claim their offer within 7 days of the email being sent.
We will stop sending out promotions to your free members. However, free members who have received a promotion with the previous discount amount can still claim their offer within 7 days of receiving the offer.
- We will stop sending out your paid posts to your free members. However, free members who have already started to receive your paid posts teaser may receive all of the posts you’ve selected.
Free Member Upgrade Offers:
Free members will receive an email with a discount offer for their first month of membership. Each offer is unique and can only be redeemed once. You can see two examples below, one targeted at free members generally and one targeted at someone who previously purchased something within your Shop.
Paid Membership Teaser Campaign:
Free members will receive a series of emails featuring paid posts you’ve specifically selected, giving them a preview of your exclusive content over several days.
On the Autopilot tab, you can click the View Insights button. Expanding that will show you how many free members engaged with your offer and how many upgraded to a paid member after seeing an Autopilot promotion. You will also see new members who have joined with the discounted amount in your Audience tab.