How to use your Relationship manager

  • Updated

The Audience Relationship manager (ARM) is your go-to tool for managing member communication and benefit delivery for your memberships. Creators can use ARM filters to send messages or benefits to lists of members based on a variety of factors (e.g., email address, tier, join date, membership status, etc.).

You can access the ARM on desktop by clicking on the Audience link from the left side menu. This guide will take you through this tool, common use cases, and best practices for managing your paid members and benefits.

Member statuses

The ARM gives each member a membership status to help you identify members who currently have access and members who don’t. You can quickly filter by the following status from the top of your Audience Relationship manager:

Paid members

List of members who have a paid membership with you.

Paid members can find your posts that are set to All members, Paid members only, or Public but cannot access posts for Free members only

Free members List of members who have a free membership with you. Free members can find your posts that are set to All members, Free members only, or Public but cannot access posts for paid members. Free members receive updates when you make posts for everyone/free members only on your Patreon, and they are not charged.
Active The member has paid or is scheduled to be billed. This paid member has access to posts you've published for their level and is eligible to receive benefits. 
Canceled The Canceled status refers to members who have ended their memberships and whose access to the content has expired.

Members will only be marked as Canceled after their current membership period ends. If a member decides to cancel but still retains access during their current membership period, they will be listed as Active until their access expires.

Note on limited space tiers: If a tier has limited space when a member of that tier cancels, their spot opens up immediately. However, the canceled member remains active until their access expires. So, if a new member joins, you might temporarily see more active members in that tier than the limit you set until the canceled member's access expires.

New this month New this month refers to the list of members who have recently joined your Patreon within the current month
Payment Declined The most recent charge attempt was declined. The member does not have access to the posts you've shared on Patreon and is not eligible to receive benefits. 
Refunded The most recent charge was refunded (note: members must also delete their membership to avoid renewal).
Fraud The most recent charge was deemed fraudulent. The member does not have access to posts you've shared on Patreon, and their page may be removed. 

Why are some member details missing from the Relationship manager?

Some member details may be hidden because the member was removed. Personal information (e.g., name, email address) about members may be hidden due to one or more of the following reasons:

  • The member has been blocked by the creator
  • The member has been removed for violating Patreon’s Terms of Use
  • The member has requested removal in line with GDPR compliance
  • The member was migrated from our Following feature to a Free member
  • The creator has been blocked by the member (only possible if the member has a creator profile)

Common actions and how-to tips

Now let’s go over common uses of Relationship manager to help you manage, message, and engage with members:

  • I want to message my filtered list of members or an individual member

    • Click the Filters button and select the filters you’d like. Once you create your specific filter view, you can click the individual checkboxes next to members’ names or click the checkbox at the top of the list to send a message to all members on the list.

    I want to send all my new paid members an individual or group welcome message

    • The default list of members will show your newest members listed at the top (locate Join Date column). Click on the Paid members filter at the top of the page to get a list of new paid members. Select your new members by clicking the checkbox (on one or more), and click the Message button to send a group message or an individual message.
  • I want to filter all paid memberships by a specific amount each month

    • Click on the Filters button and use the Pledge amount filter to choose what range you’d like to filter.

    I want to filter all members who have paid a given amount over their membership's lifetime

    • Click the Filters button to open up the side panel and use the Lifetime pledge amount filter to set the range for the overall pledge amount (cumulative member pledge amount).

    I want to filter all declined payments in a particular payment range

    • Click the Declined button and then click Filters to open up the side panel and set the Pledge amount filter.

    I want to filter the current month/post and members with declined payments

    • Click on the Declined button then click the Filters button and set the Last charge date. The Last charge date filter allows you to pull a list of members who have a last charge date that falls between any two dates. Once you have your filtered list, you can take actions (e.g., click the Message button to send declined members a note).

    I want to filter a list of members with email addresses and "have-not-paid" status

    • Sort by payment status, and you can check for members that have “--” or no value in the Status column.

    I want to identify my member’s max membership amount (*only available for per-creation creators)

    • In the pledge column, go to the tooltip to find that member’s max monthly pledge.
  • I want to filter a list of members from a specific time

    • Click the Filters button and set the Last charge date. The Last charge date filter allows you to pull a list of members who have a last charge date that falls between any two dates. You can click the quick filter buttons; Active, to filter members during a specific time with a specific status.

    I want to view my newest members this month (so I can send a welcome message or deliver a benefit)

    • By default, we sort your members by Join Date (i.e., the date members first signed up for your membership). Click the New button and then click the Filters button and set a shortcut from the Join Date filter, or choose your own range.

    I want to filter individual member details like name, email, notes, shipping address, and payment history

    • You can customize which columns are displayed in your Relationship manager by clicking the gear icon, including Shipping Address, Notes, Discord handle, Cancelled Date, and more.
    • When you click on a member in the list, we’ll display that individual member’s data in the side panel, including shipping address, notes, Discord handle, and payment history.

    I want to search my full list of members, not just those on a certain page of results (i.e., “see more” or “see all” members in one list)

    • The Search bar searches across all your members, not just those visible on the page. You can find members based on their name, email address, or Discord handle.

    I want to filter member email addresses in the list view

    • In the second column, next to the member name, you can view your members' email addresses, so it’s easy to grab it in the list view. Long email addresses will be shortened, but you can copy the email by right-clicking on it.
    • Email addresses are also included in the CSV download of your member list.

    I want to find members who were in a previously deleted tier

    • Note: We advise against deleting a tier unless it has no members. If you still have members on the tier you want to delete, we recommend that you Unpublish the tier instead.
    • Members in a previously deleted tier aren’t within a tier but aren’t considered as “Custom pledge” members either, so they won’t show up if you filter by “No tier”. You should be able to find these members by clicking on Filters, and below Tiers, select “All”. 
  • I want to filter and sort my members by tiers

    • Click Filters on the right side and choose your tier. You can select multiple tiers from this filter. This is particularly helpful if you have a benefit you need to deliver to more than one tier.

    I want to filter which members should receive a certain benefit (offered in one or more of my tiers)

    • Click the Filters button. Select All tiers and then select the benefits to get a list of the members who are owed those benefits based on their tier.

    I want to filter a list of the members who have supported me the longest

    • Click the arrows next to the Join Date column to sort your members by the date they signed up.

    I want to filter my members who’ve paid the most money in their lifetime

    • Click Filters and customize the range in Lifetime Pledge Amount.

    I want to save a set of filters so I can come back regularly to a fresh list of members

    • Once you have your desired Filters set, click the Save Filters button at the bottom of the side drawer to save and set a name for your list.
    • To access this list again, head to the Saved Filters tab and select the list you want to work with.

How do I find Commerce customers?

If you are looking for customers that have purchased digital products, you can find them by navigating to the Sales tab right next to Relationship manager. Here, you’ll be able to find information such as product and date purchased, status, and amount paid. You can also export your customer details and transactions. Learn more by visiting our detailed guide about the Sales tab.

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