A Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a number assigned to individuals/businesses to identify them for income tax purposes. TINs can be called different things in different countries, but generally everyone is assigned a TIN by the authorities in their country of birth and/or residence.
What’s the difference between a TIN and a VAT/GST id?
Please note that a Tax Identification Number (TIN) differs from a Value-added Tax (VAT) registration number (also known as a GST number in some regions). While most creators are generally assigned a TIN by their country of residence, a VAT/GST number is not typically required. VAT/GST numbers are assigned only to individuals or entities actively engaged in business who have met the threshold for VAT/GST registration, which varies by jurisdiction.
If you do have a VAT/GST number, you can include it in the tax form - but it is not a required field.
I have more than one Tax Identification Number (TIN). How do I add all TINs?
When completing the “Non-US Citizen Tax Form” (individuals) or the “Non-US Entity Tax Form” (entities), you can provide us with multiple TINs. For each individual TIN, please select the country of issuance and provide the number. Please refer to the above table for the expected format for TINs in all of the EU Member States.
Please see below for confirmation of the expected format of TINs in your country, along with what it is known locally as .
Our tax forms can only be submitted if the TIN is provided in the correct format. Please note that when providing us with your TIN on the tax form, you should exclude any characters such as “-” or “/”.
What is the format of a TIN in my country?
Country |
Individual/Personal TIN (expected format) |
Business TIN (expected format) |
Australia | 8 or 9 digits | 11 digits |
Austria | 9 digits | 9 digits |
Belgium | 11 digits | 10 digits |
Bulgaria | 10 digits | 9 digits |
Canada | 9 digits | 9 digits |
Croatia | 11 digits | 11 digits |
Cyprus | 8 digits + 1 letter | 8 digits + 1 letter |
Czech Republic | 9 or 10 digits | “CZ” + 8 digits to 10 digits |
Denmark | 10 digits | 8 digits |
Estonia | 11 digits | 8 digits |
Finland | 6 digits + (+ or - or “A”) + 3 digits + 1 digit or letter | 7 digits + “-” + 1 digit |
France | 13 digits (first digit is always 0, 1, 2, or 3) | 9 digits |
Germany | 11 digits | 10 digits to 13 digits |
Greece | 9 digits | 9 digits |
Hungary | 10 digits | 11 digits |
Ireland | 7 digits followed by either 1 or 2 letters |
7 digits + 1 letter 7 digits + 2 letter “CHY” + 1 to 5 digits |
Italy | 6 letters + 2 digits + 1 letter + 2 digits + 1 letter + 3 digits + 1 letter | 11 digits |
Latvia | 11 digits |
“9000” + 7 digits “4000” + 7 digits “5000” + 7 digits |
Lithuania | 10 or 11 digits | 9 or 10 digits |
Luxembourg | 13 digits | 11 digits |
Malta |
7 digits + 1 letter 9 digits |
9 digits |
Netherlands | 9 digits | 9 digits |
Poland | 10 to 11 digits | 10 digits |
Portugal | 9 digits | 9 digits |
Romania | 13 digits | Between 2 and 10 digits |
Slovakia | 10 digits | 10 digits |
Slovenia | 8 digits | 8 digits |
Spain |
8 digits + 1 letter “L” + 7 digits + 1 letter “K” + 7 digits + 1 letter “X” + 7 digits + 1 letter “Y” + 7 digits + 1 letter “Z” + 7 digits + 1 letter “M” + 7 digits + 1 letter |
1 letter + 8 digits 1 letter + 7 digits + 1 letter |
Sweden | 10 digits | 10 digits |
If you are an individual located in the EU, you can find more information about where you can find your TIN here.
What is a TIN known as in my country?
For individuals, this may be referred to as any of the following:
- Tax Identification Number
- Tax Number
- Unified Civil Number
- Personal Identification Number
- Central Person Registration Number
- Personal Public Service (PPS) Number
- Personal Identity Number
- Identity Card Number
- National Identification Number
- Social Security Number
For companies/businesses, a TIN may be referred to as any of the following (please note that this is different from your VAT registration number, if applicable):
- Tax Identification Number
- Tax Number
- Tax Registration Number
- Business Identification Number
- Business Identification Code
- Company Registration Number
- Company Number
- Unified Identification Code
- CVR Number
- SE Number
- Organization Number
Please see below for details of what your TIN may be locally referred to:
Country |
Individual/Personal TIN (known locally as) |
Business TIN (known locally as) |
Australia | Tax File Number (TFN) | Australian Business Number (ABN) |
Austria | Steuernummer (St. Nr.) | Firmenbuchnummer |
Belgium | INSZ (Identificatienummer van de Sociale Zekerheid) | Ondernemingsnummer |
Bulgaria | ЕГН / EGN | ЕИК |
Canada | Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN) | Business Number (BN) |
Croatia | Osobni identifikacijski broj (OIB) | MBS |
Cyprus | αριθμό φορολογικού μητρώου | Αριθμός Εγγραφής |
Czech Republic | Daňové Identifikační Číslo (DIČ) | IČO |
Denmark | Personnummer / CPR-nummer | CVR |
Estonia | Isikukood | Registrikood |
Finland | Henkilötunnus (HETU) | Y-tunnis |
France | NIF (Numéro d'Immatriculation Fiscale) | SIREN/SIRET |
Germany | Steuerliche Identifikationsnummer (Steuernummer) | |
Greece | αριθμό φορολογικού μητρώου | Αριθμός ΓΕΜΗ |
Hungary | Adóazonosító jel | Cégjegyzékszám |
Ireland | PPS number | TRN |
Italy | Codice Fiscale | NA |
Latvia | Valsts ieņēmumu dienest | Reģistrācijas numurs |
Lithuania | Asmens kodas | Mokesčių mokėtojo identifikacinis numeris |
Luxembourg | Personnes physiques (PP) | RCS |
Malta | TRN | Company Registration Number |
Netherlands | BSN (Burgerservicenummer) | KVK-nummer |
Poland | PESEL (Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności) | NIP, REGON |
Portugal | Número de identificação fiscal (NIF) | NIF |
Romania | Cod Numeric Personal (CNP) | Codul de identificare fiscală (CIF) |
Slovakia | Rodné číslo | IČO |
Slovenia | Matično številka | Matično številko |
Spain | Número de identificación fiscal (NIF), DNI (El documento nacional de identidad), NIE (Número de Identidad de Extranjero) | NIF |
Sweden | Personnummer | Organisationsnummer |