I have two accounts

  • Updated
Sometimes, users forget they have an account and create another one using either Google login or Facebook. They then can't access their patron-only content but are still being charged/billed on the other account. 
There’s no way to automatically merge accounts, and we’re unable to transfer memberships between accounts. If you have multiple accounts, we recommend that you choose which account you’d like to use moving forward, and delete the other one. 
When you delete your account, any active memberships on that account as a patron or creator will automatically be cancelled– so you may want to reach out to your creators and let them know what’s going on. 
TipIf you’re a creator with multiple creator pages, you can always opt to unlaunch your creator page. You can keep it active as a patron-only account for any memberships may have with other creators. You can learn more through this guide on closing a creator page
To delete your account, please follow the deletion instructions by clicking here for our guide on deleting your Patreon account.
Please noteYou must have access to the email address you use to log in to Patreon in order to disable your account.

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