What tiers should I put my merch on?

  • Updated

When assigning
or adding merch to your membership tiers, you may have some questions about where to place the items or how to ensure you won’t lose any money in this process. Here are some of your most frequently asked questions. 

What tiers should I put my merch on?

The most important consideration when adding merch to your tiers is the cost of each item. To help you with this decision, we offer recommended tier prices for each item as well as minimum tier prices. Based on the tier you choose, you’ll see our recommended tier price, the minimum tier price, and the estimated earnings per patron.

Here’s a complete list of each item’s cost, minimum, and recommended tier prices:

Item Price
Minimum tier price
Recommended Tier Price
Tote Bag
Mini Print
Neck Gaiter
Long Sleeve T-shirt

For most creators, we recommend placing a loyalty program or only one merch item on each tier, to help all of your items stand out.

Why am I restricted from assigning merch to certain tiers?

We want to make Merch easy and safe to use for every creator on Patreon. As a way to protect your business, we do not allow merch to be added to a tier if the combined cost of all merch on that tier exceeds the total pledge value from a patron after 3 months on that tier.

When adding a loyalty program to a tier, the most expensive item in the set is used to determine the price of the loyalty program. At this time loyalty programs cannot be added to a tier that contains any other merch items.

I want to publish a Merch item but don’t have a tier at the right price. What can I do?

You may want to consider creating a new tier for that merch item. For example, if you want to offer a hoodie but don’t already have a tier that costs enough, you can create a new $35 tier (recommended) or $11 tier (minimum). Many creators will create a higher-priced tier ($75+) and limit the number of patrons that can pledge to it. This way you can create exclusivity in your highest tier and offer valuable and exclusive benefits.

Can I bundle multiple merch items on a single tier?

Yes! As long as the combined cost of the items is less than the total pledge value of a patron after 3 months on that tier, you can add as many items as you like. At this time multiple items are sent individually, and cannot be combined into a single shipment. Loyalty programs cannot be added to a tier that contains any other merch items.

How much will it cost me to add merch to a tier?

You can expect to pay for each item that is sent to a patron on each tier, including existing patrons. The listed price for each item includes tax and shipping to anywhere in the world (learn which countries you can send merch to in this article). The total cost to use Merch will vary depending on how many patrons you have, the cost of the items you publish, and how many of your patrons have entered valid shipping addresses.

You can learn more about how and when you’ll pay for your merch items in this guide on paying for merch

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