How do I update my payment information?

  • Updated

If you are located in Australia and/or pay with an Australian payment method and experience a payment decline, please visit our guide to Retry your declining payment before adding a new payment method.

If your payment method is declining, we recommend trying a different payment method.

You can update or remove a payment method while logged in on Desktop or mobile web. If you are using the app, please log in on a mobile browser and follow the tips below

How to add a new payment method

Click on your device type below for steps to update your payment information.

If your card authorization declines, contact your bank and request that they accept all future charges from Patreon * Membership before reattempting.

If you get the message, Card already added to this account, exit the window and click Retry or Update next to your expired Card.

How to update your payment method

Need to make changes to your PayPal account? Log in to your PayPal account to update your wallet funding source. 

Follow these steps while on your member profile. You can check which profile you’re on by clicking your picture in the bottom left corner

Here's how to update a credit card on your Patreon account:

  1. Click the Settings Gear.png from the left sidebar navigation
  2. From the menubar, click on More > Payment Methods 
  3. Click on the Edit button next to your credit card 
  4. Re-enter your credit card details with your updated expiration date, CVV, or billing zip code 
  5. Click on Add to confirm

How to remove a payment method

When deleting a payment method associated with any memberships, you'll be asked if you want to transfer your membership(s) to a new or existing payment method. If you want to cancel your memberships instead, please follow this guide to cancel your membership(s).

How to delete a payment method

Follow these steps while on your member profile. You can check which profile you’re on by clicking your picture in the bottom left corner.

  1. Click the Settings Gear.png link from the left navigation
  2. From the menubar, click on More > Payment Methods 
  3. Click Delete next to the payment method you want to delete
  4. If the payment method you’re deleting is linked to any memberships, a message will appear asking you to Choose a new payment method — You can select an existing one or Add a new payment method
  5. Follow the on-screen steps depending on what you choose
  6. After unlinking any memberships from the payment method, click the Delete button to confirm payment method removal

Deleting a payment method with linked memberships will result in an immediate cancelation of those memberships. If this happens, you can re-activate your membership by rejoining the creator's page from your Billing history.

Removing a payment method with linked memberships will not delete pending payments or declined bills made when you were an active member.

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