Experience your creator’s Drops

  • Updated

Drops are unique events where creators share new audio or video content live. These releases are accompanied by a countdown timer and a live chat, allowing you to engage and experience the content alongside other members and maybe even the creator themselves. This article will guide you through the different phases of the member experience when checking out your creator's Drops.

Before the live drop

Watch out for upcoming drops from your favorite creators. Starting 7 days before the drop, you'll see a preview with a countdown timer on your homepage and the creator’s page. This helps you know when to expect the release.
You can click the I’m interested button to get reminders and notifications about the drop. You can also comment and react to others’ comments during this phase.

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  • 24 hours before the drop: The content will feature prominently at the top of the creator's page.
  • 2 minutes before the drop: You’ll get a push notification to join the drop and see the live countdown. At this point, you can click on Join the drop, see the number of people who have also joined, and participate in the live conversation
  • 10 seconds before the drop: You'll see a countdown until the content is released

During the live Drop

During the live Drop, you can click the Join the Drop button to watch or listen, comment, and react in real-time directly underneath the content. If you tapped I’m interested you will receive a push notification letting you know the Drop is live.

The creator might also join the live chat, making the experience exciting and engaging for everyone.

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Post Drop

After a drop finishes, you will continue to have access to watch or listen, read existing comments, and react and comment indefinitely, just like any other post. The drop will stay highlighted on the creator's page for 24 hours after release, making it easy for you to find it.

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