How to change your cover image

  • Updated

You can update the cover photo on your creator page anytime you're logged into Patreon. To change your cover image, follow the steps below:

  1. If you aren’t already there, click the My page link from the left sidebar navigation
  2. Click on the Page controls or “...” button, and select Edit Page from the submenu
  3. You’ll land on the Basics section of your page editor, scroll down and click on your current cover image to upload a new image
  4. Select your image from your device — we recommend that your image be 1600 x 400 pixels
  5. Once uploaded, your new cover image will automatically save. When you revisit your creator page, you'll find your new image.


When you remove your current cover image, you must replace it with another image in order to save your page changes.

What dimensions should my cover photo be?

In its maximum view, the cover photo will be displayed at 1600 x 400 pixels. We recommend using a wide image with dimensions at least 1200 x 675 pixels (although smaller sizes will still work, they may appear to be slightly pixelated).

How large can my image files be?

Your upload file sizes must be 16 MB or less per image.

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