Recommending creators

  • Updated

We built creator recommendations to make it easy for creators to recommend each other and cross-promote. When used, you can recommend other creators to your paid members. This is a great way to increase visibility for fellow creators and introduce your paid members to new and exciting content.

You can start recommending other creators if: 

  • Your Patreon is published

How it works

Recommending another creator

Here’s how you can start recommending other creators:

  1. Head to your creator page and look for the new Recommendations tab. This is where you can create new recommendations and see all creators who have recommended you

    Creator Tab.png

  2. You can search for any creator you feel deserves more recognition. At this stage, only non-18+ creators can be recommended
  3. You also have the option to share why you're recommending this creator
  4. Your members will receive a notification when you recommend another creator.

Deleting a recommendation

You can delete a recommendation you have made and any recommendations about you at any time in the recommendations tab.

Deleting a recommendation you made

To delete any recommendation you’ve made, locate the “Recommendations for your fans” section within the recommendations tab. Click on the three ellipses and choose delete. Your members will no longer see this recommendation and will be removed from the system entirely.

Deleting a recommendation made about you

When a creator recommends you, you will be notified and can monitor what is being said about you. Their members will be able to see the recommendation, and this will not be visible on your page. To delete, head to the recommendations tab and locate the “creators recommending you to their fans” section. Click on the three ellipses and choose delete.



How will this look like for your members?

Your recommendations will be visible on your creator home under the Recommendations tab and on the posts page for your members (Both free and paid). Additionally, they'll appear on other surfaces, such as post-signup screens, email notifications, and more.

You can preview how the recommendation looks by viewing your creator home or by checking your posts page. Your view will be the same as your members'.

Creator home view:

Member Tab.png


Posts page view:

Post Page.png


  • You can have up to 50 recommendations at a time and can add and remove recommendations whenever you’d like, as long as they’re non-18+ creators for now.

  • Recommendations are available for all your members (free and paid). Non members visiting your page won’t be able to see recommendations.

  • These recommendations will be visible on your creator home under the Recommendations tab and on the posts page for your members (Both free and paid). Additionally, they'll appear on other surfaces, such as post-signup screens, email notifications, and more.

  • We’re working on expanding access to 18+ creators later in the year.

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