Enable audio RSS feeds for my members

  • Updated

Do you publish a podcast, or post music on Patreon? Would you like to give each of your members their own private RSS link to listen to your audio posts on their favorite podcast app? Our custom RSS feed feature may be just what you're searching for!

Not all audio posts will populate your members’ RSS feeds. You can skip ahead to learn more about which posts will show up in the RSS feed

How do I enable audio RSS?

Make sure you follow this guide while in your creator profile. You can switch to your creator profile by clicking your profile picture in the bottom left corner and clicking on your creator profile.

  1. While logged in to your creator profile, click the My page link from the left sidebar navigation if you aren’t already there
  2. From the left-hand side menu, click on Settings and select Podcast and Audio
  3. Turn on Podcasting to turn your audio posts into a podcast that your members can listen to on other podcast apps, and select Patreon RSS feed
  4. If you’d like Patreon to email your current members their private RSS links, keep Notify your members checked
  5. Add a title and artwork! The title of your RSS feed will default to the name displayed on your Patreon page, and your RSS feed artwork will default to your Patreon profile image
    • 3000x3000px square image is recommended for Cover Artwork
  6. Add your Author name and your Author email –This information is required and will be publicly visible in the RSS feed. An email account that people can send comments and questions to is recommended
  7. Select the Category that best reflects your podcast. This will help people discover it in other listening apps
  8. If your podcast Contains explicit language, make sure to toggle this on. This tells listeners that your podcast contains content that may not be suitable for everyone. Please note that Podcasts containing explicit language will be marked so on other listening apps and might not show up in all countries or regions
  9. Scroll down and click on Save Settings

Once you enable audio RSS, If you want to distribute your Patreon-exclusive podcasts for your fans to listen to on Spotify, you can toggle on Sync your audio posts with Spotify. Learn more about how to Deliver Podcasts with Spotify.

How do my members get their private RSS link?

How will my existing members get their private RSS link? 

If you opt to notify them when you enable RSS, they'll receive an email that contains their unique RSS link.

 Additionally, your existing members can find their private RSS link on the right side of the My membership section of your Patreon page. They can copy the link provided in the card labeled AUDIO RSS LINK.
If your audio posts are synced with Spotify, members can connect their Patreon and Spotify accounts to access private RSS feed content directly on Spotify

What about new members?

New members will find their private RSS link displayed on your welcome note!

Additionally, just like current members, your new members will receive an email and have access to their RSS link from the My membership section of your page. 

Who has access to my RSS feed and my posts?

Only those who have an active membership with you can have an RSS link generated for them. Each member's feed is customized based on the access settings you choose when selecting Who can access this post? when creating or editing your audio post.

You can set post access to the following audiences: Public, All members, Paid members only, Free members only, or Selected tiers.

Audio upload posts you publish for Paid members only will appear in the feeds of all paying members. If you select Selected tiers, only members within those specific tiers will see the posts. To include Free members, you can choose to post as Public, Free members only, or All members.

Example: Elizabeth has a Custom pledge of $5 a month with you, their status is no reward in your Relationship Manager. Jake is also paying $5 a month but joined your Gold Tier when they joined. If you publish an uploaded audio post for Paid members only, both Elizabeth and Jake will find this post on their feeds. If you instead publish a post for Selected tiers and only select your Gold Tier to have access, only Jake will have this post populate on their RSS feed on their podcast app. 

Will members have access to my feed after they cancel? 

After a membership term ends, the entire feed is pulled – they won’t find new posts on their feed. However, many podcast apps will cache data locally. This means that members who’ve canceled may have access to uploaded audio posts you published that were available to them before they canceled.

That said, if the member were to try to reuse that same RSS link to resubscribe to your feed, the subscription would fail.

If you’ve enabled the Spotify integration, the same logic applies – after their membership term ends, members will no longer have access to the paid episodes on Spotify. You can learn more about how to distribute Patreon-exclusive podcasts to Spotify.

Which posts will show up in an audio RSS feed? 

Your members’ private RSS feeds will include all audio posts with audio files uploaded before or after enabling the RSS feature. This includes audio posts with uploaded .mp3, .wav, or .m4a files. File attachments will not be included in your members' RSS feeds. 

Note that if you are selling digital products, and the product you are selling is an audio post, it will also populate your member’s RSS feed.

If you use links to third-party audio hosting sites (i.e., Soundcloud or Amazon) to make your audio posts, these posts will not populate in your members' RSS feeds.

Audio posts that you’d like to populate on your members' RSS feeds should display like this: 


Are there alternatives to using Patreon RSS?

Yes, Patreon offers a private RSS functionality powered by Acast. If you choose this option instead of Patreon RSS, the content will be hosted on Acast, which will provide you with a unique RSS feed. Your members will not need to manually add the feed but instead OAuth directly on the platform where they’d like to listen to your show.

Click on the following article for information about how to Deliver secure, member-only podcast feeds with Acast.

Note that, at this time, we are not supporting the ability to turn on the Spotify integration if you are using Acast for RSS distribution.

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