Track delivery with Benefits feature

  • Updated

Creators on our Pro and Premium platform plans can use our Benefits feature to track which members are due what and when.

If you haven’t made any tiers or added any benefits to your tiers, we recommend that you first read through our article to get started with tiers and benefits. Once you’ve added benefits to your tiers, you can start to track them.

Here’s how to manage your benefits:

  1. While logged into your creator account, click on the Audience link from the left sidebar navigation
  2. Click on the Benefits link from the menubar. Benefits that you’ve added to your tiers will be listed here

Your benefits table includes a benefit title column and a status column. If you’ve completed delivering benefits to all eligible members, the status will show you the number of members completed and have a green checkmark. If there are some members who are still owed a benefit, the status will show the number of members with a “due” status.

If you use per creation billing, you will only have the option to deliver benefits on a one-time basis.

Member benefit list

Click on a benefit to get a list of members who are due this benefit. The highest tier you offer this benefit and the delivery frequency (i.e. on a monthly or one-time basis) will be listed under the benefit name.

Here, you’ll find your members’ names, shipping addresses (if you’ve asked for this), pledge amount, and the benefit due date. You can mark individual members' complete using the mark complete feature. If you do big batch benefit deliveries, mark the entire member list complete by clicking the Mark # Complete button.

Click into the Completed section of a benefit for a list of members to whom you’ve delivered this benefit. 

Want more information on a particular member? Click on a member's name to go directly to your Audience Relationship Manager.

From your relationship manager, you can message your member, review payment history, check their discord handle, and any notes you may keep about them (i.e., prefers my illustration postcards over my photo postcards).

Learn more about your relationship manager here: How do I manage my members?

Annual members

If you have members paying you annually, they’ll show up on benefits lists as soon as they start their year of membership. They will show up for all monthly recurring benefits you have associated with the tier they join; however, their year of membership will have been paid in full on the date they joined.

You can learn about what to expect if you are in our annual membership beta here: Annual memberships creator overview

Subscription billing

If you charge members with subscription billing, there are a couple of ways that you can choose to deliver benefits to members:

  • You can deliver benefits to all members who are active at the time you’re processing benefits
  • You can also deliver benefits at the start of each month to any member who has paid throughout the previous month

For example, if you typically mail a sticker on the 5th of each month to members who have paid by the 1st, you can mail the sticker on September 5 to all members who had a successful payment in August. On October 5, you can mail the September sticker to all members who had a successful payment in September.

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