Supported currencies and processing rates
Currency | Pay in | Payout |
Yes | Yes |
Yes | Yes |
Yes | Yes |
Yes | Yes |
AUD | Yes | Yes |
DKK | Yes | Yes |
NOK | Yes | Yes |
SEK | Yes | Yes |
HKD | Yes | Yes |
SGD | Yes | Yes |
NZD | Yes | Yes |
CZK | Yes | Yes |
HUF | Yes | Yes |
PLN | Yes | Yes |
MXN | Yes | No |
BRL | Yes | No |
You can review our Currency Conversion Price Book for examples of how common tier prices are converted.
Patrons can choose to pay in any of our supported currencies listed above; however, all pricing will be based on your selected currency. If your patron is paying you in a different currency, a 2.5% conversion fee is applied.- Example: Your payout currency is € and a patron pays you in $, a 2.5% conversion fee will be applied.
You can message patrons to switch their billing currency to your payout currency to avoid this conversion fee. Review our suggested messaging for asking patrons to switch to your currency.
Note: For creators with Founder's status, when changing currencies you are moving from the variable Founder's processing fees to the associated payment processing fees related to your new currency choice. This change can not be reversed. Your platform fee stays the same at 5%.
To learn more about the different ways you can utilize your preferred currency, please visit the Help Center resources below: