Creator is not delivering benefits

  • Updated
Patreon doesn’t have direct management of benefits a creator may offer, however, we’re sharing our tips on what to do if your creator isn’t delivering what you had expected or if they are delivering subpar or corrupted digital products.

Get the details

We recommend doing a read-through of your creator’s “About section” or your specific membership in the My membership tab on the creator’s page.

There may be details about the creator’s timeline of creation/delivery. Most creators try to put that information front and center in their About section for fans considering membership. 

Send the creator a message

If you’ve read through your creator’s page to see the benefit timeline, but things aren’t matching up, send a note to your creator to ask what the delay might be. There may be a perfectly good reason as to why their benefit delivery is delayed, or something may have gone wrong with the delivery. Reaching out to your creator is a great way to get to the bottom of it!

Visit this guide for sending your creator a message.

Request a refund from the creator

If you’ve waited long enough and would prefer to not receive the benefit at all, send the creator a note requesting a refund for your membership payment. Here are our best practices for requesting a refund from your creator.

Please note that there is no guarantee that the creator will issue your refund. 

Cancel your membership

If you are not getting what you expected, we highly recommend cancelling your membership with the creator, which will ensure no future payments are processed.

Read through our cancellation article for step by step directions on how to cancel.

I think the creator is going against Patreon’s terms

Please refer to our Terms of Use and Community Guidelines before reporting a creator to our team.

If you believe that a creator is going against our Terms of Use or Community Guidelines, you can report the creator to our Trust & Safety team. Follow the steps outlined in this article to formally report a creator. 

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